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We are happy you are here!

We are so excited for an amazing year Eagles! Be your best you!

Welcome 7th graders!

Mr. Hertel welcomes the class of 2030 to EMS on the first day of school!

All Smiles At EMS!

Eagle 8th graders are so excited to be back in the nest!


HSD Administration Center, 3083 NE 49th Place, Hillsboro, OR 97124
3083 NE 49th Place, Hillsboro 97124
3083 NE 49th Place, Hillsboro 97124
3083 NE 49th Place, Hillsboro 97124
3083 NE 49th Place, Hillsboro 97124



Evergreen Families! Mr. Hertel will be emailing out "News From The Nest" each Friday! Please reach out to the front office if you are not receiving his email and would like to.

All Smiles Dental

All Smiles Community Oral Health will be providing free dental screenings, sealants, and fluoride at your child’s school during the Week of October 14th and the Week of October 21st. Healthy teeth are important to your child’s overall health. A dental screening is a quick look inside your child’s mouth to check the overall health of their teeth. Dental sealants are protective coatings put on the back teeth to prevent cavities and fluoride is a vitamin that is brushed on the teeth to make teeth stronger and prevent cavities. Click this link to sign the permission form for your child online. Each student who turns in a permission form will be entered into a $50 raffle drawing, even if you decline services! 

All Smiles Dental

All Smiles Community Oral Health proporcionará exámenes dentales gratuitos, selladores y flúor en la escuela de su hijo la semana de 14 de octubre y la semana de 21 de octubre. Los dientes sanos son importantes para la salud general de su hijo/a. El examen dental es un chequeo rápido dentro de la boca de su hijo/a para verificar la salud general de sus dientes. Los selladores dentales son capas protectoras que se colocan en los dientes posteriores para prevenir las caries y el fluoruro es una vitamina que se cepilla sobre los dientes para fortalecerlos y prevenir las caries. Devuelva la hoja de permiso firmado para recibir este servicio gratuito o haga clic en este enlace para firmar el formulario de permiso en línea. Cada estudiante que entregue un formulario de permiso entrará en una rifa y tendrá la oportunidad de ganar un certificado de regalo de $50. 



On-Time Graduation Rate, +4.86 percentage points higher than the state average


Bilingual Students through Dual Language Programs in 16 schools


K-12 School District in Oregon to Receive Systems Accreditation