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ELL Resources

Adult English Literacy—This site is sponsored by the US Department of Education and is focused on making English Language skills accessible to adult immigrants who can access a web-based computer in the privacy of their home or at a public library.

Khan Academy

Everything ESL

Washington County Cooperative Library Services

Washington County Cooperative Library Services (kid's version)

Activities for ELL Students

Interactive ESL/EFL Online Games

English Vocabulary Games

Vocabulary Quizzes

Beginning Language

PBS Kids: It’s My Life—Includes a lot of parent and student resources regarding topics such as gossip and rumors, how to deal with moving, cheating, drug abuse, dealing with anger, etc.

Colorín Colorado—Parent reading support site in English and Spanish.

ESL Home—This site will let students, parents and teachers practice a variety of reading, comprehension and world recognition exercises.

Oregon Student & Parent Support—This site has a wide variety of ESL reading material for English Language Learners.

ESL Independent Study Lab—This resource is monitored and operated by Portland area Lewis & Clark University, where many HSD teachers receive their ESL training.

Fiesta—This site provides support and fun for Spanish speaking students and their parents who want to improve their English skills.

Picture Dictionary—This site has many tools for English language learners with pictures and word pairs. It can also be used for students learning French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Funny American Expressions—This site will help you learn the expressions that many English speakers use. These sayings rarely mean what the words say. Learn “How NOT to stick your foot in your mouth” and what it means when “It’s raining cats and dogs.”

Oregon School Library Information System—Providing low-cost access to high quality information for students, teachers, librarians, etc.

Kids’ Search Tools—A good search site for kids.