Absences & end of day arrangements
When should I keep my child at home?
Read these guidelines to help you make this decision.
What if my child is absent?
Call the attendance line at 503.844.1404 as soon as you know your child is going to miss school. When leaving a message, please state the students's first and last name as well as the reason for their absence. ;A message may be left at this number after school hours.
How can I arrange a pre-excused absence?
Call the attendance line prior to the date of absence, or you may send a note in a timely manner. A pre-arranged slip will be issued and sent around with your students, so they can collect homework and inform their teachers of their long absence. This slip then must be turned into our Attendance Secretary Ms. Lopez.
What if my child has an appointment during the day?
Either send a note or call to let the office know when you’ll need to pick up your child. Upon arrival, parents may sign students out at the attendance desk. Students will then be called out of class to leave school.
What if my student needs a different bus occasionally?
If your student needs to ride a bus that they are not assigned to ride (for example, to ride home with a friend), your student needs to bring a parent-signed note to the office before school or at lunch. No passes will be given after school. The student will then give the bus pass to the bus driver upon boarding the bus. You may also call the office to give permission by phone for your student to get a bus pass.
Injuries and Illness
What if my child becomes ill or injured at school?
Your child will be made as comfortable as possible in the Health Office. If the illness or injury deems a parental contact, the health assistant will contact parents or emergency designees. In case of serious injury, 911 may be called. It is important that you always update the school with your most up-to-date contact information.
What if my child needs to take medicine at school?
A parent must bring in all medications in the original containers and fill out a Medication Authorization Forum—a handwritten note is not enough. Students are allowed to carry non-prescription medications once the proper form is filled out. All prescription medications must have a doctor's note allowing the student to carry and administer the medication before they are allowed to carry it during school hours. For any questions or concerns, please direct them to Evelin Lopez in the Health Office.
What if my child can’t afford lunch?
Breakfast and Lunch are both served daily at no cost
Electronic Devices
Can my child use their cell phone during the day?
Students are not allowed to carry cell phones or pagers while at school. These devices need to be kept in a student’s locker until the end of the school day. If you need to reach your child while they are at school, please contact the school office and appropriate action can be taken. If a student is carrying or using their cell phone or pager during the day, it will be confiscated and a parent may have to pick it up in the main office.
May my child take their digital devices to school?
We encourage students to leave these expensive devices at home. If students do bring these to school, the devices need to be put away upon entering the building. These items may be confiscated if they are being used during the school day.